g.mittelberg: wtc manhattan nyc ny
mnemotopy: 2011 10_Memories from The Missing Room 33A
A * M: Dream team
A * M: weisswurst/bier
A * M: Euro 2012
A * M: La Nuit de l'année
chicopolaco: ` ´´ ` ´
chicopolaco: coming from above
polgaroid: .1250.
Erica _ Fischer: Language communities of Twitter
Callejas: P1010959
granul.at: IMG_0550
nautical2k: hilberseimersuperblock_a.jpg
seier+seier: arne jacobsen, rødovre library, 1961-1969
seier+seier: arne jacobsen, rødovre town hall, 1952-1956
seier+seier: arne jacobsen, rødovre town hall, 1952-1956
www.moritzbernoully.com: Siemensstadt, Berlin
www.moritzbernoully.com: Pariser Platz, Berlin
apfelauge: taut 2x
apfelauge: onkel toms hütte
apfelauge: lossen weissenhof gropius
mnemotopy: 09 11_Salobreña_Andalucia 28
mnemotopy: 08 02_Athens_Acropolis 32
mnemotopy: 07 30_Athens 09
2.: R