Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC:
2 very small Pacific Tree Frogs
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC:
Western Toad (Anaxyrus boreas)
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC:
Pacific Tree Frog
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC:
Lots of tadpoles
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC:
Garter snake
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC:
Common Gartersnake
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC:
Common Gartersnake
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC:
Garter Snake crossing the road
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC:
Pacific tree frog