Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC: SilverStar Mountain weather dome
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC: Honey Mushrooms - Armillaria ostoyae
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC: Larch Waxy Caps - Hygrophorus speciosus
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC: Scaly Chanterelle (Turbinellus floccosus)
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC: Cortinarius occidentalis fungi on a rainy day
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC: Cortinarius occidentalis fungi on a rainy day
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC: Scarlet waxcap - Hygrocybe coccinea
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC: Saddle-shaped false morel - Gyromitra infula
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC: Truncate Club Coral (Clavariadelphus truncatus)
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC: Golden Bootleg (Phaeolepiota aurea)
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC: Yellow Fairy Cups - Bisporella citrina
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC: A mushy Fly Algaric - Amanita muscaria has seen better days
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC: Bird’s Nest Fungi - Cyathus stercoreus
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC: Scaly Chanterelle (Turbinellus floccosus)
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC: Strap Coral fungus - Clavariadelphus ligula
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC: Milk-cap - lactarius zonarius
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC: Dyer's polypore - Phaeolus schweinitzii
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC: Larch Bolete - Suillus grevillei
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC: Lobster Mushroom - Hypomyces lactifluorum
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC: Fly Algaric - Amanita muscaria
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC: Orange Jelly Fungus - Dacrymyces chrysospermus
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC: Shaggy Scalycaps - Pholiota squarrosa
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC: Small Giant water bug pulling a small rainbow trout around at the shoreline
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC: Small Giant water bug pulling a small rainbow trout around at the shoreline