Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC:
Foggy mountains, Lumby BC
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC:
Dog's nose
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC:
A stump having a bad root day
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC:
My wife's cat took over my fishing cooler as his lounger
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC:
Sunset over partially frozen Kalamalka Lake (north end), Coldstream BC
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC:
Cosens Bay, Kalamalka Lake Provincial Park, Vernon BC
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC:
Grizzly swamp lake campsite
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC:
Wildflowers everywhere on Silver Star Ski Mountain
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC:
Purple Clover blooming
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC:
Yellow-orange Fly Agaric Mushroom
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC:
King Bolete mushrooms
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC:
Shaggy Parasol
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC:
Sitting my chair in my house through the front window a full moon at sunset (too lazy to get out of the chair lol)
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC:
Sunsetting over La Casa Cottage Resort
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC:
Sunset over Kalamalka Lake looking towards the snowy Monashee mountain range with storms
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC:
Planned ignition is currently underway burning 3000 hectares on the White Rock Lake Wildfire
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC:
Endangered Western Painted Turtles sunning themselves
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC:
Sculptured Giant Puffballs
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC:
Russula mushrooms
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC:
Monotropa uniflora, also known as ghost plant, ghost pipe, or Indian pipe emerging from the ground
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC:
Chipmunk checking me out
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC:
Columbian ground squirrel looking tall
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC:
Shaggy Scalycaps - Pholiota squarrosa
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC:
Golden Bootleg (Phaeolepiota aurea)