Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC: Some kind of mold or fungi growing on the forest floor?
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC: Wolf lichen - Letharia vulpina
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC: Small troop of mycena sp. mushrooms on a old stump
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC: Suillus lakei mushroom with melting snow
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC: Chicken of the Woods mushroom (Laetiporus sulphureus)
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC: Small cluster turkey tail mushrooms
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC: Shaggy manes pushing up through cow manure
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC: Shaggy manes turning into inky caps
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC: Shaggy manes turning into inky caps
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC: Cluster of Shaggy manes turning into inky caps
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC: Orange peel fungus pushing a rock upward
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC: Mushrooms growing up through thistles
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC: Galerina autumnalis mushrooms
Out-of-Doors Photos in the Okanagan Valley BC: Galerina autumnalis mushrooms