Robert Lio: Guangxi
Stuart MacFarlane: Arsenal Pre-Season Training Session
Garlap: IMG_1892
Stuart MacFarlane: Arsenal fans celebrate after the match
Autorun!: 客厅_07
♥ Kelly ♥: 傍晚的飞机回西贡,就没再拿相机出来了。Day8回上海。~END~
Autorun!: 七九河开-颐和园
kercam21: Boxing day 2012
Stuart MacFarlane: Andre Arshavin
Stuart MacFarlane: Kanu, Robert Pires and Edu
yuanmig: 明利春酒-By Gf2
Stuart MacFarlane: Arsenal and Aston Villa support Fabrice Muamba
Garlap: Two pairs
Garlap: Nice bokeh and beautiful Jzzzzz
Garlap: Queenie
Taiwan Presidential Office: 1010202總統伉儷出席「中華民國101年外交部新春聯歡晚會」
soundimageplus: Panasonic GF1 14 mm f/2.5 Pancake lens
/\ltus: Dinoslide!
syncros: midway at dusk
/\ltus: Nagoya Days
-yury-: Coogee Beach
Stuart MacFarlane: Robin van Persie