davidsparrow1967: Kingfisher with Fish
Santiam Drifter: Belted Kingfisher
eerokiuru: Common Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis)
Fernando Domínguez Magarín: Martín pescador. (Alcedo atthis) COMMON KINGFISHER
ThomasG - TG Naturfoto: Eisvogel mit Fang
Kaarel Nurk: Annelinn, Tartu, Estonia, January 2022
Andreas Gruber: Eisvogel - Common Kingfisher - Rybárik riečny - Alcedo atthis
colinstone1: Kingfisher catch - female
michafink: Großer Blaupfeil - Black-Tailed Skimmer
colinstone1: Kingfisher catch
Gary Watson: Success...
Blake Wardle DPAGB: Male Kingfisher
Andreas Gruber: Eisvogel - Common Kingfisher - Rybárik riečny - Alcedo atthis
raivet: martin pescatore
eerokiuru: Common Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis) (no audio)
Kaarel Nurk: Tartu, Estonia, August 2020
olavimaa: FOTO5552.jpg
eerokiuru: Grey-headed Woodpecker ♂ (Picus canus)
eerokiuru: Common Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis)
eerokiuru: Jumping spider with prey.
eerokiuru: Common hawker (Aeshna juncea)
eerokiuru: Swallowtail (Papilio machaon)
eerokiuru: Broad-bodied Chaser ♀ (Libellula depressa)
eerokiuru: Grey-headed Woodpecker ♂ (Picus canus)
eerokiuru: Three-toed Woodpecker ♂ (Picoides tridactylus)
eerokiuru: Red Squirrel and Grey-headed Woodpecker
eerokiuru: Grey-headed Woodpecker ♂ (Picus canus) and Great Spotted Woodpecker ♂ (Dendrocopos major)
eerokiuru: Grey-headed Woodpecker ♂ (Picus canus)
eerokiuru: Hawfinch ♂ (Coccothraustes coccothraustes)