Lorrainemorris: How beautiful leaves grow old. How full of light and colour are their last days- -John Burroughs--
Lorrainemorris: I don't understand why people would want to get rid of pigeons. They don't bother no one.- MIKE TYSON
Lorrainemorris: I don't like the clean-shaven boy with the necktie and the good job. I like desperate men, men with broken teeth and broken minds and broken ways. They interest me. They are full of surprises and explosions. Charles Bukowski
Captain Wakefield: woman on a phone on the train
Carlows: Mercado
Carlows: La casa del mezcal
PhotonFreak: Blue-eyed Darner
GarrettUhde23: Spiral On Leaf - Florida
Corgibird: Silhouette Challenge
Ritter_Walder: The power of the summer.Xalapa.Mexico
Carlows: En Mullan, Idaho
El Ielow: Rollo Color Marzo 2012018
tokyoshooter: Maiko and schoolgirls
revista Forum: TM_maysa-matarazzo
Bubu-Bubulina: Al vuelo
chen_yoyo: DSC09542
mdj | Bartosz Madejski: Barry Adamson
Anna Fischer: Friends of Dorothy
Brunilda: caracol / snail / Schnecke