Oshadhi.s.p: A word from the wise
Oshadhi.s.p: standing tall
Oshadhi.s.p: Unconscious Beauty
Oshadhi.s.p: Say Cheeeeeeeeeese!
Oshadhi.s.p: Electric Peacock Festival 2011
Oshadhi.s.p: Colombo Night Races 2011
Oshadhi.s.p: Hoot hoot!
Oshadhi.s.p: what are you looking at!?
Oshadhi.s.p: lazy lemur
Oshadhi.s.p: sharpest eye in the sky
Oshadhi.s.p: yasiru perera
Oshadhi.s.p: Affrizante
Oshadhi.s.p: Affrizante
Oshadhi.s.p: Jay Sean in Colombo!
Oshadhi.s.p: Jay sean in Colombo!
Oshadhi.s.p: Fans and Jay
Oshadhi.s.p: interrogatian
Oshadhi.s.p: Big combo
Oshadhi.s.p: Attitude
Oshadhi.s.p: makes me fall in love
Oshadhi.s.p: Have a piece
Oshadhi.s.p: celebrating UK-Sri Lanka creativity
Oshadhi.s.p: lace at the Craft Village
Oshadhi.s.p: Diving in
Oshadhi.s.p: What am I ?
Oshadhi.s.p: every moment counts
Oshadhi.s.p: capture this
Oshadhi.s.p: shadow