Osea Costantini Photographer: Popolare su 500px!! Yeah !!!
Osea Costantini Photographer: Angi e lo sguattero
Osea Costantini Photographer: A pranzo con Enrico Marco Angelica Marco Lorenzo
Osea Costantini Photographer: Giusy Campolungo facepainting!!! Yeah
Osea Costantini Photographer: Someone has to be bad.... Isnt'it ?!?!
Osea Costantini Photographer: Gatto mimetico !!
Osea Costantini Photographer: Simon Salon Look !!
Osea Costantini Photographer: Street pentax day
Osea Costantini Photographer: Quasi ready to go !!
Osea Costantini Photographer: I love this diffuser!! Aurora firefly XL90
Osea Costantini Photographer: Colto sul fatto!!
Osea Costantini Photographer: At Osea Costantini courses!!
Osea Costantini Photographer: TheBeauty&TheBeast