ajacopetti: drawing- 02122013
ajacopetti: The tree View
ajacopetti: Port Stephens
ajacopetti: Port Stephens - Colour
ajacopetti: Neurology
ajacopetti: Boiúna
ajacopetti: Boiúna
ajacopetti: Boiúna
ajacopetti: Celso
ajacopetti: Long neck turtle
ajacopetti: Red belly Snake
ajacopetti: Turtles
ajacopetti: Frogs
ajacopetti: Gecko
ajacopetti: Mirror, on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?
ajacopetti: I bring you light ... and lots of enigmas... Do you want to play detective?
ajacopetti: Shapes
ajacopetti: Darling Harbour sunset
ajacopetti: Shape
ajacopetti: Composition
ajacopetti: Gorgeous winter sky
ajacopetti: 3 hours ago after I figure out that I was at the wrong bus stop
ajacopetti: Mrs spider
ajacopetti: umbrella corporation ? :/
ajacopetti: Pink micra
ajacopetti: photo