Archives Branch, USMC History Division: Naval and Marine Tracer Beams from Anti-Aircraft Guns, Iwo Jima, 1945
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 229 of "Kenneth McAlpine: a tale of mountain, moorland, and sea"
Matthias Harbers: Sir Henry Vane the Younger
Sic Itur Ad Astra LRPS: Sir Henry Vane the younger (1613-1662)
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 261 of "Bilder aus Elsass Lothringen. Original-Zeichnungen von R. Assmus ... Schilderungen von K. S"
Ryan M Long Photography: Niagara Falls II
Ryan M Long Photography: Mendenhall Ice Caves 2015
Ryan M Long Photography: Return to the Ice Caves
Billy Oh: DSC_0115.jpg
silke s.: unfinished...
oysters_mate: Mojave Train
David Schermann: we could be far away
Alexis Kenyon: Looking out
Alexis Kenyon: Pre-prom