Internet Archive Book Images:
Image from page 308 of "The boy craftsman; practical ad profitable ideas for a boy's leisure hours" (1905)
Internet Archive Book Images:
Image from page 559 of "St. Nicholas [serial]" (1873)
Internet Archive Book Images:
Image from page 115 of "Illustrated catalogue and price list of colors and materials for decorating china, earthenware, glass, enamelled iron, etc. : oxides and chemicals / imported and manufactured by B. F. Drakenfeld & Co." (1914)
Internet Archive Book Images:
Image from page 34 of "Histoire des ballons et des aéronautes célèbres ..." (1887)
Internet Archive Book Images:
Image from page 729 of "St. Nicholas [serial]" (1873)
Internet Archive Book Images:
Image from page 635 of "The American stationer" (1873)
Internet Archive Book Images:
Image from page 329 of "Business Journal" (1912)
Internet Archive Book Images:
Image from page 94 of "Southern pork production" (1918)
Internet Archive Book Images:
Image from page 154 of "Souvenir and programme of the Actors' Fund Fair, Madison Square Garden, May 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 1892" (1892)
Internet Archive Book Images:
Image from page 6 of "Hardware merchandising (August-December 1907)" (1907)
Internet Archive Book Images:
Image from page 10 of "Canadian printer & publisher" (1920)
Nationaal Archief:
Schoolklas begin jaren '50 / Dutch classroom around 1950
Pet raccoon is fed a grape by master.
Cornell University Library:
Cambridge. King's College Library (Interior)
George Eastman Museum:
Man with book sitting in chair
Nationaal Archief:
Artis. struisvogel leest krant van oppasser / Ostrich reads newspaper of caretaker
State Library of NSW:
Cary Bay Zoo, Lake Macquarie, NSW, 1954 / Sam Hood
The Library of Congress:
Auto polo (LOC)
Powerhouse Museum Collection:
Tobogganing at 40 miles an hour
Nationaal Archief:
Bobsleeën, vijfmansbob / Bobsleigh
National Library of Scotland:
Greasy pole competition
National Library of Scotland:
Taking his peg (tent pegging)
Nationaal Archief:
Carnavalskostuums / Mardi Gras costumes
National Library of Scotland:
Led horse lagging behind
Nationaal Archief:
Auto weggezakt in ingestorte walkant / Car sunk into a collapsed quay
Nationaal Archief:
Handen vol met ijsjes / Holding too many ice creams