OpheliaBells: oyster mushrooms
OpheliaBells: DSCF0025
OpheliaBells: books and tea
OpheliaBells: Trying to ID
OpheliaBells: Lambs Quarter?
OpheliaBells: Mullein
OpheliaBells: morels
OpheliaBells: morels
OpheliaBells: morels
OpheliaBells: Oyster Mushrooms
OpheliaBells: oyster mushroom
OpheliaBells: Vanilla Leaf-Achlys triphylla
OpheliaBells: DSCF0344
OpheliaBells: DSCF0328
OpheliaBells: False Lily of The Valley
OpheliaBells: Mayflower: False Solomon's Seal
OpheliaBells: Mayflower: Starry False Solomon's Seal
OpheliaBells: Spotted Owl
OpheliaBells: Lactusa verosa and Lactuca serriola
OpheliaBells: GoldenRod
OpheliaBells: Chanterelles
OpheliaBells: was finding Chanterelles
OpheliaBells: IMG_3165
OpheliaBells: pinesap seeds
OpheliaBells: Monotropa hypopitys (Pinesap flowering)
OpheliaBells: IMG_3087
OpheliaBells: IMG_3086
OpheliaBells: Ganoderma applanatum
OpheliaBells: Ganoderma applanatum
OpheliaBells: some type of gumplant maybe puget sound gumweed