dwophe: 2018-05-10_09-56-51
dwophe: 2018-05-07_07-14-53
dwophe: Skg
dwophe: 2018-05-01_11-58-01
dwophe: Bird 's eye view
dwophe: Of another era
dwophe: Living in b/w
dwophe: Of long gone
dwophe: upload
dwophe: Living in b/w
dwophe: upload
dwophe: upload
dwophe: #comiccon2017 @#comiccon #skg #vassilis_gotzilas #talent #artist
dwophe: #twilight
dwophe: May day may day
dwophe: upload
dwophe: Weaving stories...
dwophe: May you came...
dwophe: #prisma living in b/w #spring
dwophe: May you come...
dwophe: Let it fly away
dwophe: Enter the temple at your own risk...
dwophe: Livung in b/w
dwophe: Η αληθεια κρυβεται στην εικονα της αναπαραστασης της... #καληνυχτα_και_καλη_τυχη...
dwophe: Living in b/w
dwophe: Βίλα Καπαντζή, ΜΙΕΤ
dwophe: Welcome to Mordor
dwophe: Safe behind the glass watching the time go by
dwophe: Μy lady... #καληνυχτα_και_καλη_τυχη
dwophe: Παρτλυ κλαουντυ. μορνινγκ...