Dal Nunes: --------!!---
Dal Nunes: ===@===
G_home: The arrival
Josef...: sparkle
G_home: Your grace is sufficient for me
G_home: Where there is love, there is life
G_home: The Look Of Love
G_home: Morning Glory
★L.Y.W☆蔚: 79540009
G_home: 花魅:夢國
G_home: When the time has come
G_home: Timeless time
John&Fish: #873 小綠曦耍
G_home: 永遠の夏
G_home: With a Child's Heart
G_home: Grace
G_home: "The beginning is always today." -- Mary Wollstonecraft
G_home: Open your heart and let the sun shine in
G_home: Listening to the silence.
G_home: Moral universe within
G_home: Winter sonata