openspacer: India and Wiley having a good time together.
openspacer: Preparing dinner
openspacer: Preparing dinner
openspacer: Chopping vegetables for the fish soup
openspacer: Cutting up fish for the fish soup
openspacer: Grating lemon for Laura's lemon birthday cake
openspacer: Frosting the lemon cake
openspacer: Decorating the frosted birthday cake
openspacer: Uncorking the champagne for the birthday dinner
openspacer: Uncorking the champagne for the birthday dinner
openspacer: Pouring the champagne for the birthday dinner
openspacer: Happy times at the birthday dinner
openspacer: Opening presents
openspacer: A silk pillowcase!
openspacer: Happy Birthday Laura
openspacer: We polished off almost half the delicious lemon cake
openspacer: Cuddling with the cat
openspacer: Getting sleepy
openspacer: The new carved, wooden bed frame
openspacer: Wall of photographs in the upstairs hall
openspacer: Laura in her hand-knit, patterned sweater
openspacer: Modeling Laura's hand-knit shawl
openspacer: Modeling another of Laura's hand-knit shawls
openspacer: Laura in her hand-knit shawl
openspacer: Modeling Laura's hand-knit scarf
openspacer: Modeling another of Laura's hand-knit scarves.
openspacer: Mother and daughter on the path below the house, looking remarkably similar
openspacer: Putting lights on the Christmas tree
openspacer: The decorated Christmas tree
openspacer: long, steep steps