openspacer: Herbarium team examining plants in the drying creekbed below the dam.
openspacer: *Dysphania ambrosioides, MEXICAN TEA
openspacer: *Atriplex prostrata (A. triangularis) FAT-HEN
openspacer: *Paspalum dilatatum, DALLIS GRASS
openspacer: *Paspalum dilatatum, DALLIS GRASS
openspacer: *Iris foetidissima, CORAL IRIS and Acer negundo (A. n. var. californicum), BOX ELDER
openspacer: *Ficus carica, EDIBLE FIG.
openspacer: *Ficus carica, EDIBLE FIG.
openspacer: Symphoricarpos albus var. laevigatus, SNOWBERRY
openspacer: Symphoricarpos albus var. laevigatus, SNOWBERRY
openspacer: Herbarium team access route to San Francisquito Creek
openspacer: Herbarium team exploring the dry creekbed under bridge
openspacer: Starting our walk down the creekbed of San Francisquito Creek.
openspacer: Erigeron canadensis (Conyza c.), HORSEWEED.
openspacer: *Polypogon monspeliensis ANNUAL BEARD GRASS, RABBITFOOT GRASS
openspacer: Equisetum arvense. COMMON HORSETAIL
openspacer: Equisetum arvense. COMMON HORSETAIL
openspacer: Small rectangular bottle embedded in steep bank of San Francisquito Creek
openspacer: View of dry San Francisquito Creek looking back
openspacer: Clematis ligusticifolia, WESTERN VIRGIN'S BOWER.
openspacer: Clematis ligusticifolia, WESTERN VIRGIN'S BOWER.
openspacer: Glycyrrhiza lepidota, WILD LICORICE
openspacer: Glycyrrhiza lepidota, WILD LICORICE
openspacer: Curtains of dried algae draped over dead branches
openspacer: Herbarium team examining the variety of plants along the dry creekbed.
openspacer: Datisca glomerata, DURANGO ROOT
openspacer: Datisca glomerata, DURANGO ROOT seeds
openspacer: Physocarpus capitatus, PACIFIC NINEBARK
openspacer: Dryopteris arguta, COASTAL WOOD FERN
openspacer: Another deep pool