openspacer: Flateryi extends out into the fjord.
openspacer: A RAVEN - one of the flat birds of Flateryi
openspacer: WRENS - some of the flat birds of Flateryi
openspacer: CORMORANT - one of the flat birds of Flatery
openspacer: We walked along this road that parallels the fjord
openspacer: Bee on willow bud
openspacer: Clouds hang on mountaintops around Flateryi .
openspacer: Sterna paradisaea, ARCTIC TERN.
openspacer: Sterna paradisaea, ARCTIC TERN
openspacer: Sterna paradisaea, ARCTIC TERN.
openspacer: Male and female Somateria mollissima, COMMON EIDER.
openspacer: Oceanites oceanicus, WILSON'S STORM-PETREL?
openspacer: Snowy road
openspacer: Silvery gleam on the fjord
openspacer: Side view of Laura's house.
openspacer: Me with a delicious dish of fish
openspacer: Laura at lunch buffet at Tjorhusid.
openspacer: Waiting for the buffet lunch to begin at Tjorhusid
openspacer: We helped ourselves to many delicious fish dishes
openspacer: We enjoyed an excellent lunch at Tjorhusid
openspacer: Last light on the mountains- 10 pm
openspacer: Last light on the mountains- 10 pm