openspacer: Husavik harbor.
openspacer: Husavik harbor.
openspacer: Husavik church, built in 1907
openspacer: Skies looked very dark
openspacer: Laura at an overlook with a view north toward the Arctic Circle.
openspacer: Coast north of Husavik
openspacer: Farm and snowy landscape
openspacer: Anser anser, GREYLAG GOOSE.
openspacer: Cliff at Asbyrgi
openspacer: Betula pubescens, DOWNY BIRCH
openspacer: On the way to the pond at Asbyrgi,
openspacer: Laura and Alice at the pond
openspacer: Big white buds
openspacer: Dettifoss. Iceland's most powerful waterfall.
openspacer: Dettifoss. Iceland's most powerful waterfall.
openspacer: Dettifoss. Iceland's most powerful waterfall.
openspacer: Here I am at the Dettifoss overlook
openspacer: Rocks and icy pool below Dettifoss
openspacer: Every rural house has a sign with its traditional name
openspacer: Horses grazing near the shore
openspacer: streak of sun on the water
openspacer: Soaking in a heated pool