openspacer: Ascophyllum nodosum, KNOTTED WRACK?
openspacer: PTARMIGAN, Lagopus mutus
openspacer: George got nowhere near the ptarmigan.
openspacer: Ripples in the sand
openspacer: Ripples in the sand
openspacer: Ascophyllum nodosum, KNOTTED WRACK?
openspacer: Laura way out on the tidal flats
openspacer: ittle hummocks in the sand were made by bristle worms
openspacer: Coiled tubes of sand left by benthic species of bristle worms
openspacer: Seagulls congregate around the mouth of the river
openspacer: Larus hyperboreus, GLAUCUS GULL?
openspacer: Larus hyperboreus, GLAUCUS GULL?