openspacer: Laura with new snow visible through the windows.
openspacer: Laura's deck this morning.
openspacer: Laura shoveling snow off the porch this morning.
openspacer: View of the back yard from my window this morning
openspacer: View of the back yard from my window.
openspacer: Big flakes coming down
openspacer: Laura's doorstep heather plants.
openspacer: Laura's hand-knit pale green mohair/wool scarf.
openspacer: Laura, so glad that George returned home at last.
openspacer: George, back from a night out in the snow.
openspacer: Laura, dressed for snow
openspacer: Map of Laura's neighborhood.
openspacer: Bridge in snow
openspacer: Snowy house in the distance
openspacer: Laura's house - Saevangur, which means sea view.
openspacer: Laura's house on our morning walk while it was still snowing hard.
openspacer: Laura and me in winter coats this morning.