openspacer: Flocks of geese arriving at Merced National Wildlife Refuge.
openspacer: Flocks of geese arriving at Merced National Wildlife Refuge.
openspacer: Birds fill the sky over the Merced Wildlife Refuge
openspacer: Flocks of geese arriving at Merced National Wildlife Refuge.
openspacer: Flocks of geese arriving at Merced National Wildlife Refuge.
openspacer: Flocks of geese arriving at Merced National Wildlife Refuge.
openspacer: Ardea alba, GREAT EGRET.
openspacer: Himantopus mexicanus, BLACK-NECKED STILT
openspacer: Himantopus mexicanus, BLACK-NECKED STILT
openspacer: Himantopus mexicanus, BLACK-NECKED STILT
openspacer: Recurvirostra americana, AMERICAN AVOCET
openspacer: Anas clypeata, NORTHERN SHOVELER.
openspacer: Anas clypeata, NORTHERN SHOVELER.
openspacer: Anas clypeata, NORTHERN SHOVELER.
openspacer: Anas clypeata, NORTHERN SHOVELER.
openspacer: Anas clypeata, NORTHERN SHOVELER
openspacer: Informative signs add to the appreciation of the refuge.
openspacer: Anser albifrons, GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE (dark) and Chen caerulescens, SNOW GOOSE (white)
openspacer: Anser albifrons, GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE (dark) and Chen caerulescens, SNOW GOOSE (white)
openspacer: Anser albifrons, GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE (dark) and Chen caerulescens, SNOW GOOSE (white)
openspacer: Plegadis chihi, WHITE-FACED IBIS
openspacer: Plegadis chihi, WHITE-FACED IBIS
openspacer: Anas cyanoptera, CINNAMON TEAL
openspacer: Anas cyanoptera, CINNAMON TEAL
openspacer: Flock of Pluvialis squatarola, BLACK-BELLIED PLOVER
openspacer: Pluvialis squatarola, BLACK-BELLIED PLOVER
openspacer: Antigone canadensis, LESSER SANDHILL CRANE
openspacer: Antigone canadensis, LESSER SANDHILL CRANE
openspacer: Antigone canadensis, LESSER SANDHILL CRANE
openspacer: Sayornis nigricans, BLACK PHOEBE