openspacer: View east, towards Cove beach
openspacer: Our docent guide
openspacer: View southwest, towards Ano Nuevo Island.
openspacer: Lone male elephant seal with large bite marks
openspacer: GREAT BLUE HERON
openspacer: Former lightkeeper's residence
openspacer: Abandoned lighthouse station on Ano Nuevo Island.
openspacer: Male elephant seal cooling off in a pool of fresh water
openspacer: This elephant seal laid claim to our viewing platform
openspacer: Big male elephant seal displaying large canine teeth
openspacer: Female elephant seals with their nursing pups
openspacer: Male elephant seal coming ashore
openspacer: Male elephant seal coming ashore
openspacer: Male elephant seal vocalizing.
openspacer: Male elephant seals spaced out on Bight Beach
openspacer: Closeup of a big male with a red eye
openspacer: Female elephant seals with their nursing pups
openspacer: Large colony of elephant seals on beach at South Point.
openspacer: Two females vocalizing
openspacer: Male elephant seal climbing on females
openspacer: Male placing flipper on female
openspacer: Elephant seal pup next to its mother.
openspacer: Two females vocalizing.
openspacer: Male elephant seal cruising by females on shore
openspacer: Elephant seal scat, very liquid and black
openspacer: View back toward the visitor center
openspacer: Pond on route to tour staging area
openspacer: BROWN PELICAN and seagulls in pond.
openspacer: BROWN PELICAN