openspacer: Starting our herbarium walk on a misty morning
openspacer: The mist was so thick the lake was not visible
openspacer: Misty view of pool at base of dam.
openspacer: These backlit spider sheet webs look like alien spaceships landing.
openspacer: An orb web found near the sheet webs spun by another kind of spider.
openspacer: Many spider webs catching the sun
openspacer: Dense group of backlit, dew-covered spider webs
openspacer: Teloschistes chrysophthalamus, GOLDEN EYELASH LICHEN.
openspacer: Herbarium team reflagging stake for Griffin site next to trail 3
openspacer: Quercus douglasii, BLUE OAK
openspacer: Galium aparine, GOOSE GRASS
openspacer: Galium aparine, GOOSE GRASS surrounding Pentagramma triangularis ssp. triangularis GOLDBACK FERN
openspacer: Unidentified cream-colored spots on fallen oak leaves
openspacer: Sticta fulignosa, PEPPERED MOON LICHEN
openspacer: Sticta fulignosa, PEPPERED MOON LICHEN
openspacer: Polypodium californicum CALIFORNIA POLYPODY
openspacer: Helvella sp. (vespertina or dryophila? - previously lacunosa), FLUTED BLACK ELFIN SADDLE
openspacer: Two adjacent dead trees with different fungi
openspacer: Tellima grandiflora FRINGE CUPS
openspacer: Cardamine californica, MILK MAIDS, TOOTH WORT
openspacer: Schizophyllum commune, SPLIT GILL
openspacer: Schizophyllum commune, SPLIT GILL
openspacer: Tremella mesenterica, WITCH'S BUTTER
openspacer: Physocarpus capitatus, PACIFIC NINEBARK
openspacer: Holodiscus discolor var. discolor, OCEANSPRAY.
openspacer: Logjam has trapped a lot of debris
openspacer: Melica torreyana, TORREY’S MELIC
openspacer: Leocarpus fragilis, INSECT-EGG SLIME MOLD?
openspacer: Leocarpus fragilis, INSECT-EGG SLIME MOLD
openspacer: Sequoia sempervirens, COAST REDWOOD