openspacer: View up San Francisquito Creek towards dam
openspacer: View of San Francisquito Creek downstream from bridge
openspacer: Two lookalikes
openspacer: Hypholoma fasiculare, SULPHUR TUFT?
openspacer: Leocarpus fragilis, INSECT-EGG SLIME MOLD.
openspacer: Leocarpus fragilis, INSECT-EGG SLIME MOLD.
openspacer: Diploschistes sp. CRATER LICHEN
openspacer: Confluence of Bear and San Francisquito Creeks
openspacer: San Francisquito Creek completely overtopped the Low-Flow crossing
openspacer: A lot of debris is jammed against the bridge
openspacer: Moss, fern and lichen-covered boulders
openspacer: San Francisquito Creek overflowed here
openspacer: Cystopteris fragilis, FRAGILE FERN.
openspacer: Three species of fern growing next to one another
openspacer: Fallen leaves on forest floor seen through veil of raindrops
openspacer: Caulorhiza umbonata, REDWOOD ROOTER.
openspacer: Entering the first redwood grove
openspacer: Sandstone boulders are covered with moss and fallen redwood needles
openspacer: moss underneath fallen redwood twigs and needles died
openspacer: Bestia longipes
openspacer: Euonymus occidentalis var. occidentalis, WESTERN BURNING BUSH
openspacer: Claytonia perfoliata ssp. perfoliata, MINER'S LETTUCE seedlings at different stages of development or 2 species of Claytonia?
openspacer: Claytonia parviflora ssp. parviflora SMALL-FLOWERED CLAYTONIA?
openspacer: Rubus ursinus CALIFORNIA BLACKBERRY
openspacer: Rebecca examines serpentine landslide on trail 1.
openspacer: San Francisquito Creek below the serpentine landslide
openspacer: Multitrunked Umbellularia californica CALIFORNIA BAY
openspacer: Exidia glandulosa, BLACK WITCH'S BUTTER/BLACK JELLY ROLL
openspacer: Laetiporus conifericola, SULPHUR SHELF, CHICKEN OF THE WOODS?
openspacer: Taricha torosa, CALIFORNIA NEWT