openspacer: New leaves on valley oak - already!
openspacer: A clear, cold afternoon on the ridge.
openspacer: The owl tree, a lone valley oak
openspacer: Mary had to walk the strip in the middle
openspacer: Lots of water accumulating in ruts on Road F.
openspacer: Searsville Lake, muddy from the recent rain
openspacer: Trametes versicolor, TURKEY TAIL
openspacer: Large, unidentified dead bird
openspacer: Unidentified old mushroom with deeply grooved cap and bulbous stalk
openspacer: Water shooting through the dam after the recent rain.
openspacer: Searsville Lake full again after the rain.
openspacer: Water shooting through the dam after the recent rain.
openspacer: *Myriophyllum aquaticum, PARROT'S FEATHER Intermingled with Azolla filiculoides, AMERICAN WATER FERN
openspacer: *Myriophyllum aquaticum, PARROT'S FEATHER Intermingled with Azolla filiculoides, AMERICAN WATER FERN
openspacer: Searsville Lake full again after the rain.
openspacer: Water shooting through the dam after the recent rain.
openspacer: Searsville Lake full again after the rain.