openspacer: Sunrise from highway 152 east of Gilroy
openspacer: Sunrise from highway 152 east of Gilroy
openspacer: Sunrise from highway 152 east of Gilroy
openspacer: Rainbow in a cloud
openspacer: San Luis Reservoir and oak-studded hills - early morning
openspacer: Elk have been here before us.
openspacer: Wind-trained oaks along the ridge tops
openspacer: Elk grazing next to Dinosaur Lake.
openspacer: We've been spotted!
openspacer: Elk running away after they noticed us.
openspacer: Eric approaching Dinosaur Lake.
openspacer: Instead of a trail, we followed the dry creek below the dam.
openspacer: The buckeye leaves were shriveled, but a rich shade of brown.
openspacer: Ptelea crenulata, CALIFORNIA HOP TREE.
openspacer: Ptelea crenulata, CALIFORNIA HOP TREE.
openspacer: Dry creekbed of Salt Creek
openspacer: Epilobium canum ssp. canum, CALIFORNIA FUCHSIA
openspacer: Dry creekbed of Salt Creek
openspacer: Platanus racemosa, WESTERN SYCAMORE
openspacer: Platanus racemosa, WESTERN SYCAMORE
openspacer: Platanus racemosa, WESTERN SYCAMORE
openspacer: Blue schist, Salt Creek
openspacer: Platanus racemosa, WESTERN SYCAMORE. Bark scarred by elk.
openspacer: Skeleton of an elk killed by mountain lion
openspacer: Hoof of elk killed by mountain lion
openspacer: Whirligig beeetles whirling in a pool
openspacer: Carex nudata, TORRENT SEDGE
openspacer: Platanus racemosa, WESTERN SYCAMORE root.
openspacer: Eric on hillside
openspacer: Looking into the dry bed of Hidden Creek.