openspacer: View from Adit trail back towards the bridge over lower Cherry Creek.
openspacer: Woodwardia fimbriata, GIANT CHAIN FERN.
openspacer: Craig and Carol checking out one of the adits
openspacer: Heuchera micrantha, SMALL-FLOWERED ALUMROOT.
openspacer: Philadelphus lewisii, MOCK ORANGE.
openspacer: Philadelphus lewisii, MOCK ORANGE.
openspacer: Philadelphus lewisii, MOCK ORANGE.
openspacer: Keckiella breviflora (Penstemon breviflorus), BUSH BEARDTONGUE
openspacer: Draperia systyla, DRAPERIA.
openspacer: Penstemon heterophyllus, FOOTHILL PENSTEMON.
openspacer: Penstemon heterophyllus, FOOTHILL PENSTEMON.
openspacer: Collinsia tinctoria, TINCTURE PLANT
openspacer: Collinsia tinctoria, TINCTURE PLANT
openspacer: Collinsia tinctoria, TINCTURE PLANT
openspacer: Datisca glomerata, DURANGO ROOT.
openspacer: Euphydryas sp. CHECKERSPOT.
openspacer: Athyrium filix-femina, LADY FERN.
openspacer: Unidentified fern in cliff crevice.
openspacer: Unidentified fern in cliff crevice - underside
openspacer: Carol looking into second adit.
openspacer: This would make a nice, deep swimming hole if it were easier to get down to.
openspacer: Vivid red bands cut through the rocks here.
openspacer: The bedrock of the creek has all sorts of inclusions in addition to the red.
openspacer: Carol and Craig at our lunch spot where the trail ends.
openspacer: Erigeron glacialis var. hirsutus, WANDERING DAISY?
openspacer: Rocks along the river bottom perfectly visible through the clear water.
openspacer: Craig and Carol share a snack.
openspacer: Dudleya cymosa, LIVEFOREVER.
openspacer: Sedum spathulifolium, BROADLEAF STONECROP.
openspacer: Sedum spathulifolium, BROADLEAF STONECROP.