openspacer: Beyond the Lake Eleanor trailhead, the road was closed.
openspacer: The only washed-out area on the road beyond the Lake Eleanor trailhead
openspacer: Hiking along the road to our trailhead
openspacer: View of Cherry Lake through burned area.
openspacer: Ceanothus integerrimus DEER BRUSH.
openspacer: Taking a break on the hike in along the road.
openspacer: *Tragopogon porrifolius, SALSIFY/OYSTER PLANT.
openspacer: Starting the cross-country part of our trip, heading down through the burned area.
openspacer: now we're about to get into denser brush
openspacer: we finally emerge into this meadow, our first goal
openspacer: Linanthus dichotomous, EVENING SNOW.
openspacer: Eriophyllum lanatum var. croceum, WOOLLY SUNFLOWER.
openspacer: Lupinus sp. LUPINE, growing under a burned pine.
openspacer: Eriodictyon californicum, CALIFORNIA YERBA SANTA.
openspacer: Castilleja lacera, CUT-LEAVED OWL'S CLOVER.
openspacer: Ivesia santolinoides, SIERRA MOUSETAIL/MOUSETAIL IVESIA.
openspacer: Spiraea splendens, MOUNTAIN SPIRAEA.
openspacer: Cooling off
openspacer: A cooler Carol!
openspacer: After crossing the creek, we started across the open granite towards the notch on the skyline (left of center).
openspacer: Triteleia hyacinthina, WHITE BRODIAEA
openspacer: Cherry Crrek flowing into Cherry Lake
openspacer: Brodiaea, elegans, ELEGANT BRODIAEA/HARVEST BRODIAEA.
openspacer: Brodiaea, elegans, ELEGANT BRODIAEA/HARVEST BRODIAEA.
openspacer: Carol making a steep descent into the notch- not the usual way.
openspacer: Rhododendron occidentale, WESTERN AZALEA.
openspacer: Descending towards October Camp after coming through the notch (in the red rock behind us).
openspacer: Cherry Creek flowing out of pool next to October Camp.
openspacer: Cherry Creek flowing out of pool next to October Camp.
openspacer: Calyptridium monospermum, PUSSYPAWS.