openspacer: Trillium chloropetalum GIANT TRILLIUM.
openspacer: *Taraxacum officinale. COMMON DANDELION.
openspacer: This hill between Road B and San Francisquito Creek, is artificial.
openspacer: Blue oak woodland between Road B and S.L.A.C.
openspacer: Deeply furrowed bark on old Quercus lobata, VALLEY OAK.
openspacer: *Acacia dealbata, SILVER WATTLE
openspacer: Marshy area now looks quite dry,
openspacer: *Lapsana communis NIPPLEWORT.
openspacer: We found a shallow spot here that allowed us to wade across San Francisquito Creek
openspacer: San Francisquito Creek downstream of the crossing.
openspacer: Ann checking to see if her key will open the Boething Gate.
openspacer: Pieris rapae, CABBAGE WHITE.
openspacer: Lupinus sp. LUPINE seedlings
openspacer: The former primate facility.
openspacer: The herbarium team walked the edge of the grassland, passing this large old oak.
openspacer: *Acacia dealbata, SILVER WATTLE
openspacer: Umbellularia californica, CALIFORNIA BAY, CALIFORNIA LAUREL, PEPPERWOOD
openspacer: Xanthoria sp.
openspacer: Nymphalis californica, CALIFORNIA TORTOISESHELL.
openspacer: Dennis Martin site.
openspacer: Helenium puberulum, ROSILLA, SNEEZEWEED
openspacer: Datisca glomerata, DURANGO ROOT.
openspacer: *Vinca major, GREATER PERIWINKLE.
openspacer: Algae at bottom of San Francisquito Creek.
openspacer: Ribes sanguineum var. glutinosum, RED-FLOWERING CURRANT
openspacer: Salix exigua var. hindsiana (S. exigua), HINDS' WILLOW.
openspacer: Pentagramma triangularis ssp. triangularis. GOLDBACK FERN.
openspacer: Adiantum jordanii, CALIFORNIA MAIDENHAIR.
openspacer: Exposed roots of California bay in stream bank, with many maidenhair ferns growing in the crevices.
openspacer: Nemophila heterophylla, VARIABLE-LEAVED NEMOPHILA.