openspacer: Koeleria macrantha, JUNE GRASS
openspacer: Quercus douglasii, BLUE OAK
openspacer: Pointed red galls are Andricus kingi, RED CONE GALL WASP or Andricus atrimentus, STRIPED VOLCANO GALL WASP.
openspacer: Discholcaspis prehensa, CLASPING TWIG GALL WASP
openspacer: Festuca californica, CALIFORNIA FESCUE
openspacer: Quercus cf. berberidifolia, SCRUB OAK?
openspacer: Quercus cf. berberidifolia, SCRUB OAK?
openspacer: Discholcaspis prehensa, CLASPING TWIG GALL WASP
openspacer: Quercus agrifolia var. agrifolia, COAST LIVE OAK x Q. wislizeni var. frutescens, DWARF INTERIOR LIVE OAK hybrid?
openspacer: Quercus agrifolia var. agrifolia, COAST LIVE OAK x Q. wislizeni var. frutescens, DWARF INTERIOR LIVE OAK hybrid?
openspacer: Argiope aurantia, YELLOW GARDEN SPIDER, female
openspacer: Argiope aurantia, YELLOW GARDEN SPIDER, male
openspacer: CRYSTALLINE GALL WASP, Andricus crystallinus
openspacer: Quercus cf. berberidifolia, SCRUB OAK
openspacer: Quercus douglasii x Q. durata. Hybrid between Blue and Leather Oak?
openspacer: Quercus douglasii x Q. durata. Hybrid between Blue and Leather Oak?
openspacer: Eriogonum luteolum var. luteolum, GOLDEN BUCKWHEAT.
openspacer: Calochortus sp., MARIPOSA LILY seed pod.
openspacer: Calochortus sp., MARIPOSA LILY seed pod and seeds
openspacer: Herbarium team examining plants in opening in oak woodland dominated by Festuca californica, CALIFORNIA FESCUE.
openspacer: Festuca californica, CALIFORNIA FESCUE
openspacer: We found many spiders and their egg cases in this grassland.
openspacer: Argiope aurantia, YELLOW GARDEN SPIDER, female.
openspacer: Argiope aurantia, YELLOW GARDEN SPIDER, female with prey
openspacer: Spider egg sac, securely suspended by multiple strands of silk.
openspacer: Spider egg sac, securely suspended by multiple strands of silk.
openspacer: mass of newly hatched baby spiders with yellow abdomens