openspacer: Water droplets weigh down old seed heads of Poison Hemlock
openspacer: Willow leaf pattern near edge of Pajaro River
openspacer: The Pajaro River, lined with willows, makes a nice riparian corridor.
openspacer: Falco sparverius, AMERICAN KESTREL
openspacer: Ranch entrance gate.
openspacer: First view of Pinnacles, approaching from the west side.
openspacer: Machete Ridge - view from west entrance road.
openspacer: High Peaks seen from Chaparral trailhead parking
openspacer: High Peaks seen from start of North Wilderness Trail
openspacer: Quercus douglasii, BLUE OAK. Seedling growing in crevice on rock
openspacer: Caloplaca ignea, FLAME FIREDOT LICHEN
openspacer: Unidentified cuplike black fungus growing in soil, possibly Peziza sp.
openspacer: Creek, North Wilderness Trail
openspacer: Pholistoma auritum var. auritum, FIESTA FLOWER pattern
openspacer: The wood rat used this spot a lot!
openspacer: Lomatium dasycarpum ssp. dasycarpum WOOLLY-FRUITED LOMATIUM?
openspacer: Scat with lots of blue juniper berries in it.
openspacer: Caloplaca ignea, FLAME FIREDOT LICHEN
openspacer: Eric beside creek, North Wilderness Trail
openspacer: Series of small waterfalls. North Wilderness Trail
openspacer: Last in series of small waterfalls
openspacer: Strange, curvy black forms seen underwater.
openspacer: View of Pinnacles from North Wilderness Trail,
openspacer: Orange and yellow lichens dot dead chamise branches
openspacer: Calandrinia menziesii (C. ciliata), RED MAIDS in bloom and Plagiobothrys sp. POPCORN FLOWER (bud).
openspacer: Calandrinia menziesii (C. ciliata), RED MAIDS
openspacer: Astraeus hydrometricus, EARTHSTAR
openspacer: Plagiobothrys sp. POPCORN FLOWER
openspacer: Juniperus californica, CALIFORNIA JUNIPER cone
openspacer: Juniperus californica, CALIFORNIA JUNIPER berries