openspacer: Schoenoplectus acutus var. occidentalis (Scirpus a. var. o.), COMMON TULE.
openspacer: Podilymbus podiceps, PIED-BILLED GREBE
openspacer: Paths made by Camponotus sp. CARPENTER ANTS
openspacer: Poecile rufescens, CHESTNUT-BACKED CHICKADEE feasting on poison oak berries
openspacer: Poecile rufescens, CHESTNUT-BACKED CHICKADEE using its foot to secure poison oak berries
openspacer: Messor andrei, HARVESTER ANT, carrying parasol seed of Hypochaeris glabra, SMOOTH CAT'S EAR
openspacer: Diane and Rebecca figuring out what plant species was the source of the parasol seeds the ants were carrying.
openspacer: Line of Messor andrei, HARVESTER ANTS, all headed in the same direction
openspacer: Messor andrei, HARVESTER ANT, tackling an especially large seed
openspacer: Contrast between serpentine and non-serpentine grassland
openspacer: Cordylanthus rigidus ssp. rigidus, STIFFLY-BRANCHED BIRD'S-BEAK
openspacer: Asclepias fascicularis, NARROW-LEAVED MILKWEED seeds
openspacer: Asclepias fascicularis, NARROW-LEAVED MILKWEED leaves
openspacer: Oncopeltus fasciatus, LARGE MILKWEED BUG on Asclepias fascicularis, NARROW-LEAVED MILKWEED
openspacer: Oncopeltus fasciatus, LARGE MILKWEED BUG on Asclepias fascicularis, NARROW-LEAVED MILKWEED
openspacer: Diane and Rebecca finding out what is growing on the cryptogamic crust on this part of trail 10.
openspacer: Coyote? scat full of manzanita berries
openspacer: Tarantula hole, lined with spider silk
openspacer: Tarantula hole, lined with spider silk
openspacer: Trail 12.
openspacer: Toxicodendron diversilobum, WESTERN POISON OAK climbing high in an oak.