openspacer: Cows on the hillside, early morning mists.
openspacer: Canada geese touching bills
openspacer: Oak near Smith Creek entrance to Grant County Park.
openspacer: Primula hendersonii (Dodecatheon h.), MOSQUITO BILL(S), SAILOR CAPS
openspacer: Primula hendersonii (Dodecatheon h.), MOSQUITO BILL(S), SAILOR CAPS
openspacer: Quercus kelloggii CALIFORNIA BLACK OAK
openspacer: Quercus kelloggii CALIFORNIA BLACK OAK
openspacer: Myotyxia sp. BIOLUMINESCENT MILLIPEDE
openspacer: Viola pedunculate, JOHNNY-JUMP-UP.
openspacer: Viola pedunculata, JOHNNY-JUMP-UP.
openspacer: Pig skull where the top vertebra has broken off
openspacer: Athyrium filix-femina, LADY FERN
openspacer: Broken-off tree in the narrow canyon we walked up. Ranch 2018-04-11 at 11-17-01
openspacer: We followed this creek upstream
openspacer: Iris macrosiphon, GROUND IRIS
openspacer: Iris macrosiphon, GROUND IRIS
openspacer: Iris macrosiphon, GROUND IRIS
openspacer: Spider has caught an insect in a buttercup
openspacer: Saxifraga californica, CALIFORNIA SAXIFRAGE.
openspacer: Quercus douglasii, BLUE OAK
openspacer: Quercus douglasii, BLUE OAK
openspacer: Fallen Quercus douglasii, BLUE OAK.
openspacer: TERMITES found in decaying log.
openspacer: Delphinium patens ssp. patens, SPREADING OR ZIGZAG LARKSPUR
openspacer: Primula hendersonii (Dodecatheon h.), MOSQUITO BILL(S), SAILOR CAPS
openspacer: Primula hendersonii (Dodecatheon h.), MOSQUITO BILL(S), SAILOR CAPS
openspacer: Primula hendersonii (Dodecatheon h.), MOSQUITO BILL(S), SAILOR CAPS
openspacer: Primula hendersonii (Dodecatheon h.), MOSQUITO BILL(S), SAILOR CAPS
openspacer: View back towards the stock pond.
openspacer: View southwest from the top of the ridge.