openspacer: We had cool, overcast weather for our backpack
openspacer: Lots of yellow monkey flowers
openspacer: Mimulus guttatus, COMMON LARGE MONKEYFLOWER
openspacer: Castilleja exserta, PURPLE OWL'S-CLOVER
openspacer: Castilleja exserta, PURPLE OWL'S-CLOVER
openspacer: Annette climbing down a steep slope.
openspacer: Orestimba Creek near confluence with Red Creek
openspacer: Orestimba Creek near confluence with Red Creek
openspacer: Red Creek near our camp.
openspacer: Red Creek and rocky knoll near our camp.
openspacer: Frances's tarp and Annette's tent.
openspacer: Annette, Paul and Frances preparing dinner.
openspacer: Red Creek near our camp.
openspacer: Triteleia laxa, ITHURIEL'S SPEAR.
openspacer: Different species of lichen on chamise bark
openspacer: Red Creek near our camp
openspacer: Annette after climbing the knoll near camp.
openspacer: Hanging the bear rope
openspacer: Frances
openspacer: Annette showing off her fancy prebagged coffee filter
openspacer: Breakfast goodies
openspacer: Annette pouring boiling water on the breakfasts
openspacer: Frances interviewing Dennis for her upcoming book.
openspacer: Thamnophis atratus atratus, SANTA CRUZ GARTERSNAKE.
openspacer: Thamnophis atratus atratus, SANTA CRUZ GARTERSNAKE.
openspacer: Thamnophis atratus atratus, SANTA CRUZ GARTERSNAKE.
openspacer: Collinsia heterophylla var. heterophylla, CHINESE-HOUSES.
openspacer: Orestimba Creek at confluence with Red Creek.
openspacer: Tadpoles and their shadows.
openspacer: Road crossing, Orestimba Creek