openspacer: Searsville Lake. View from the bench.
openspacer: Looking for Lessingia hololeuca seedlings
openspacer: #Lessingia hololeuca, WOOLLY-HEADED LESSINGIA seedlings
openspacer: *Parentucellia viscosa, YELLOW GLANDWEED seedlings
openspacer: *Parentucellia viscosa, YELLOW GLANDWEED.
openspacer: *Parentucellia viscosa, YELLOW GLANDWEED.
openspacer: *Geranium purpureum
openspacer: Lupinus latifolius var. latifolius BROAD-LEAVED LUPINE
openspacer: Ann and Carl in serpentine grassland
openspacer: Carex serratodens SAW-TOOTHED SEDGE
openspacer: Carex serratodens SAW-TOOTHED SEDGE
openspacer: Lasthenia sp. GOLDFIELDS
openspacer: Lasthenia sp. GOLDFIELDS, and Allium falcifolium, BREWER'S ONION
openspacer: Allium falcifolium, BREWER'S ONION
openspacer: Lasthenia sp. GOLDFIELDS with an occasional tidy tip and Brewer's onion mixed in
openspacer: Lasthenia sp. GOLDFIELDS Layia platyglossa, TIDY TIPS (light yellow) and a few Castilleja densiflora ssp. densiflora, OWL'S-CLOVER (pink)
openspacer: Lampropeltis californiae, CALIFORNIA KINGSNAKE
openspacer: Ann on Bird Trail in serpentine grassland amidst colorful mix of wildflowers.
openspacer: Carl on Bird Trail in serpentine grassland amidst colorful mix of wildflowers.
openspacer: Unidentified clover.
openspacer: Unidentified clover.
openspacer: *Trifolium campestre, HOP CLOVER
openspacer: Brodiaea terrestris ssp. terrestris, DWARF BRODIAEA
openspacer: Trail 9 near intersection with Road F
openspacer: Lasthenia californica ssp. californica (L. c.), CALIFORNIA GOLDFIELDS.
openspacer: Castilleja rubicundula ssp. lithospermoides, CREAM SACS
openspacer: Drainage along contact between serpentine and non-serpentine soils
openspacer: Pseudognaphalium californicum (Gnaphalium c.), GREEN EVERLASTING
openspacer: Lessingia sp., LESSINGIA
openspacer: Clematis lasiantha, CHAPARRAL CLEMATIS, PIPESTEM CLEMATIS