openspacer: Eric and Jimmy talking at Jimmy's gate
openspacer: Eric and Jimmy talking at Jimmy's gate
openspacer: Juniperus californica, CALIFORNIA JUNIPER.
openspacer: Juniperus californica, CALIFORNIA JUNIPER.
openspacer: Beautiful wavy patterns in a piece of oak bark.
openspacer: The roughed-up soil in the foreground looked to be the work of feral pigs.
openspacer: Lepus californicus. BLACK-TAILED JACKRABBIT, ready to leap away.
openspacer: Lichen on juniper bark
openspacer: Ribes quercetorum, OAK GOOSEBERRY
openspacer: Ribes quercetorum, OAK GOOSEBERRY
openspacer: Plestiodon (Eumeces) gilberti, GILBERT'S SKINK
openspacer: Scolopendra sp., CENTIPEDE
openspacer: Sceloporus occidentalis, WESTERN FENCE LIZARD/BLUEBELLY
openspacer: Caloplaca ignea, FLAME FIREDOT LICHEN (bright orange)
openspacer: The creeks still have a little water
openspacer: Mossy rock with Mimulus sp., MONKEYFLOWER seedlings
openspacer: Primula clevelandii var. patula (Dodecatheon c. ssp. patulum), LOWLAND SHOOTING STAR
openspacer: Dudleya cymosa, CANYON DUDLEYA
openspacer: Multitrunked WILLOW covered with new leaves.
openspacer: Eric on lichen-streaked rocks above creek.
openspacer: Eric resting in an enormous juniper.
openspacer: The land is unusually dry and brown for early March.
openspacer: The water tank was full, with an overflowing trough.
openspacer: The overflowing water tank feeds into a small pond full of algae.
openspacer: A guzzler.
openspacer: Juniperus californica, CALIFORNIA JUNIPER.
openspacer: Eric at guzzler in the shade of a buckeye with new leaves.
openspacer: Lupinus albifrons var. albifrons, SILVER BUSH LUPINE?
openspacer: Vegetation is dense on the north-facing (l) and sparse on the south-facing slopes (r).
openspacer: Curlicue on a log from tree that turned in on itself.