openspacer: Signs at trailhead
openspacer: Cows resting
openspacer: White Cow
openspacer: Eucalyptus trees next to old ranching facility
openspacer: Buckeye trees loaded with nuts
openspacer: The Harrington Creek Trail passes through an active landslide area
openspacer: Cattle graze above active landslide area
openspacer: Wet area below the landslide.
openspacer: Larger of two ponds in the wet area below the landslide.
openspacer: Hikers, equestrians and cattle all coexist peacefully.
openspacer: View of the sea from the high point (1,100') of the Harrington Creek Trail.
openspacer: View west from the high point of the Harrington Creek Trail.
openspacer: Reversing our steps past the active landslide
openspacer: Approaching the bridge over Harrington Creek, the lowest point on the trail (500').
openspacer: View north from the Harrington Creek Trail.
openspacer: Private ranch west of La Honda Creek O.S.P
openspacer: Approaching the trailhead parking lot
openspacer: Signs at trailhead, Lower La Honda Creek Open Space Preserve