openspacer: Fresh scat with lots of big pits
openspacer: Another fresh scat on the causeway
openspacer: An uncharacteristically wavy Equisetum
openspacer: Comparison of two non-native thistle seedheads
openspacer: The white coating on the soil in the middle of the trail is a lichen (unidentified).
openspacer: Asterella californica
openspacer: Delphinium, californicum ssp. californicum, COAST OR CALIFORNIA LARKSPUR
openspacer: *Aira caryophyllea. SILVER HAIR GRASS
openspacer: Zeltnera muehlenbergii (Centaurium m.). MONTEREY CENTAURY
openspacer: place where in the past we left trail 10 to cut down to Westridge Creek.
openspacer: Herbarium team setting out along ridge
openspacer: Looking down into the Westridge Creek drainage
openspacer: Herbarium team heading down the south side of knoll towards Westridge Creek.
openspacer: Diane approaching the area where we crossed a tributary of Westridge Creek
openspacer: Diane trying to cross the tributary. Too much poison oak!
openspacer: Rhamnus crocea, SPINY REDBERRY
openspacer: Descending trail 10.
openspacer: Herbarium team at intersection of trails 10 and 12.
openspacer: Eriogonum nudum var. auriculatum, EAR-SHAPED WILD BUCKWHEAT.
openspacer: A species of Prunus?