openspacer: We started out on a cold and drizzly morning
openspacer: Big patches of mustard brightened the landscape.
openspacer: *Brassica nigra, BLACK MUSTARD.
openspacer: Barbarea orthoceras, AMERICAN WINTER CRESS.
openspacer: Happy to be here!
openspacer: Eric wanted to walk down along a creek channel
openspacer: Beautiful blueschist
openspacer: The tin barn.
openspacer: A Microtus californicus, CALIFORNIA VOLE nest, lined with thistle down,
openspacer: Microtus californicus, CALIFORNIA VOLE.
openspacer: baby Microtus californicus, CALIFORNIA VOLE
openspacer: Small black ants and larvae living under board.
openspacer: Large red ants living under the same board
openspacer: Mustard tastes good
openspacer: Mustard tastes good
openspacer: Fierce alligator lizard draws blood.
openspacer: Results of pig rooting
openspacer: Limnanthes douglasii, MEADOWFOAM
openspacer: *Scandix pecten- veneris, VENUS' NEEDLE
openspacer: Eric approached the cows and one bul
openspacer: The bull is interested and looks straight at Eric.
openspacer: The bull turns away.
openspacer: The bull starts to run and Eric follows.
openspacer: The bull seems to say Why are you following me?
openspacer: Since Eric doesn't leave, the bull ignores him and continues on.
openspacer: Eric is pleased
openspacer: The bull decides to rub his head in the dirt
openspacer: But Eric continues to approach
openspacer: Not you again!
openspacer: Now the bull makes a run for it