openspacer: Danaus plexippus, MONARCH. Caterpillar on Asclepias fascicularis, NARROW-LEAVED MILKWEED
openspacer: Seed pod with 3 Oncopeltus fasciatus, LARGE MILKWEED BUG.
openspacer: Plant shadow on orange lichen-covered rock.
openspacer: Pointing out the worn surface on the pestle
openspacer: Admiring pestle found in ground squirrel hole
openspacer: Unearthing a mortar nearby.
openspacer: Happy!
openspacer: The first water we found in Hidden Creek was full of algae and duckweed.
openspacer: oak woodland
openspacer: Oak woodland at confluence of Hidden Creek and tributary creek.
openspacer: Platanus racemosa, WESTERN SYCAMORE
openspacer: Aesculus californica, CALIFORNIA BUCKEYE
openspacer: Eric with boar skull
openspacer: Eric with boar skull
openspacer: Skull of young boar
openspacer: In the hills above Salt Creek
openspacer: Salt Creek was full of obstacles like these lichen-covered boulders.
openspacer: Bedrock mortar
openspacer: Epilobium canum, CALIFORNIA FUCHSIA
openspacer: Lichen-covered outcrops
openspacer: Lots of young blue oak seedlings coming up on this ungrazed hillside
openspacer: Great abundance of nuts this year!
openspacer: Great abundance of nuts this year!
openspacer: *Marrubium vulgare, HOREHOUND
openspacer: Grindelia camporum (G. camporum var. c.) GREAT VALLEY GUMPLANT.
openspacer: Grindelia camporum (G. camporum var. c.) GREAT VALLEY GUMPLANT.
openspacer: Heliotropium curassavicum var. oculatum (Heliotropium c.), SEASIDE HELIOTROPE
openspacer: Pig Pond
openspacer: Tule elk lower jawbones
openspacer: Elk antler, probably recently shed