openspacer: Setting up herbarium display.
openspacer: Piperia transversa, FLAT SPURRED PIPERIA
openspacer: Cordylanthus rigidus ssp. rigidus, STIFFLY-BRANCHED BIRD'S-BEAK
openspacer: *Ulex europaeus, GORSE
openspacer: Boletus sp.
openspacer: *Genista monspessulana FRENCH BROOM
openspacer: *Genista monspessulana FRENCH BROOM
openspacer: *Genista monspessulana FRENCH BROOM
openspacer: Festuca californica, CALIFORNIA FESCUE
openspacer: Amanita phalloides, DEATH CAP.
openspacer: Herbarium team making their way through west serpentine chaparral
openspacer: Mimulus Gully at the end of the trail b extension
openspacer: Herbarium team leaving west serpentine chaparral
openspacer: Stachys rigida var. quercetorum, RIGID HEDGE NETTLE.
openspacer: Tremella mesenterica, WITCH'S BUTTER
openspacer: Callitriche marginata CALIFORNIA WATER-STARWORT
openspacer: Liverworts form a green strip right down the middle of trail 9.
openspacer: View across Searsville Lake at Big Inlet and part of road E seen from trail 9.
openspacer: Asterella californica, CALIFORNIA LIVERWORT?
openspacer: *Carduus pycnocephalus ssp. pycnocephalus, ITALIAN THISTLE, growing with smaller seedlings of *Stellaria media, COMMON CHICKWEED
openspacer: Trail 9, covered with thousands of tiny, green seedlings
openspacer: CoprInus plicatilis, PLEATED INKY CAP
openspacer: Underside of CoprInus plicatilis, PLEATED INKY CAP
openspacer: Botanists under valley oaks at bottom of trail 9.