openspacer: Creek next to Hunting Hollow Road
openspacer: Creek next to Hunting Hollow Road
openspacer: Dichelostemma capitatum ssp. capitatum. BLUE DICKS
openspacer: Triphysaria eriantha ssp. eriantha, BUTTER-AND-EGGS
openspacer: Nemophilia manziesii var. atom aria, WHITE BABY BLUE-EYES
openspacer: Bicyclists starting up the Steer Ridge Trail.
openspacer: Ranunculus californicus, CALIFORNIA BUTTERCUP
openspacer: *Lamium amplexicaule, CLASPING HENBIT
openspacer: Platanus racemosa, WESTERN SYCAMORE
openspacer: Unidentified fungi on downed log
openspacer: Dried-out slime mold
openspacer: Chris showing fungus to fungus hike participants
openspacer: Coprinus sp. possibly C. placates, PLEATED INKY CAP
openspacer: Crucibulum laeve, COMMON BIRD'S NEST FUNGUS
openspacer: Reddish new leaves of POISON OAK lined our trails
openspacer: Chris pointing out something interesting to group
openspacer: Group hiking along Timm Trail.
openspacer: Group encounters a fallen tree,
openspacer: liverwort, interspersed with ribbonlike nurse leaves of Calochortus albus, WHITE GLOBE LILY, FAIRY-LANTERN
openspacer: Closer view of liverwort
openspacer: Lithophragma heterophyllum HILL STAR
openspacer: Bark beetle engravings (nesting tunnels) on fallen log
openspacer: Helvella lacunosa, FLUTED BLACK ELFIN SADDLE
openspacer: Oak woodland
openspacer: Possibly Tremella mesenterica, WITCH'S BUTTER
openspacer: Chris spotted this mushroom growing underground
openspacer: Lactarius sp. MILK CAP?
openspacer: Unidentified fungus on log
openspacer: Unidentified fungus on log
openspacer: Unidentified grass