openspacer: Heading in on the road to Lobdell Lake.
openspacer: Mountains east of Lobdell Lake.
openspacer: Lobdell Lake. The roads deteriorated quite a bit after this point.
openspacer: Road full of puddles reflecting the Sweetwaters
openspacer: Camp, with Eric building a fire.
openspacer: Eric got the fire going.
openspacer: Mountains southeast of our camp.
openspacer: Stream near camp
openspacer: Aspen up the hill from camp.
openspacer: Sunset light on the mountains south of camp
openspacer: I think the highest peak (far left) is Mt. Patterson.
openspacer: the puddles were covered with ice and the whole area was very wet
openspacer: Sign with map showing roads and descriptions of rare plants in the Sweetwater Mountains.
openspacer: View west towards the Walker River Canyon.
openspacer: Dried stalks of MONUMENT PLANTS, Swertia radiata.
openspacer: Eric found lots of heavy magnetite rocks
openspacer: Eric found lots of heavy magnetite rocks
openspacer: BADGER, Taxiea taxus, hole, recently occupied.
openspacer: Below Lobdell Lake we passed through groves of colorful aspen.
openspacer: Back again at Lobdell Lake, elevation 9,274'.
openspacer: RED-TAILED HAWK, Buteo jamaicensis
openspacer: RED-TAILED HAWK, Buteo jamaicensis
openspacer: Cabin, Sweetwater Mts.
openspacer: Eric trying out the exercise machine behind the cabin.
openspacer: Eric starting hike up Deep Creek.
openspacer: Alice starting hike up Deep Creek.
openspacer: Our trail followed Deep Creek.
openspacer: Evidence Deep Creek is cold.
openspacer: Mt. Patterson (r) looks extremely white and barren.
openspacer: Eric hiking along the Deep Creek Trail.