openspacer: group n front of large glacial erratic
openspacer: Powell and Pinus monticola, WESTERN WHITE PINE.
openspacer: Powell, Alice and Pinus monticola, WESTERN WHITE PINE
openspacer: Group hiking towards Mt. Watkins.
openspacer: Pyrola picta, WHITE-VEINED WINTERGREEN
openspacer: Kirk, Annette and Colin
openspacer: Colin atop a boulder
openspacer: Eriophyllum lanatum var. integrifolium, WOOLLY SUNFLOWER
openspacer: Eriogonum umbellatum, SULFUR FLOWER
openspacer: Trail along Snow Creek ridge to Mt. Watkins
openspacer: Kirk with Cloud's Rest behind.
openspacer: Mimulus mephiticus, SKUNKY MONKEYFLOWER
openspacer: Mimulus mephiticus, SKUNKY MONKEYFLOWER
openspacer: Mimulus mephiticus, SKUNKY MONKEYFLOWER
openspacer: Mimulus mephiticus, SKUNKY MONKEYFLOWER
openspacer: Sedum obtusatum, SIERRA STONECROP
openspacer: Sedum obtusatum, SIERRA STONECROP
openspacer: Raillardella scaposa, GREEN RAILLARDELLA
openspacer: Raillardella scaposa, GREEN RAILLARDELLA
openspacer: Calyptridium monospermum, PUSSYPAWS
openspacer: Streptanthus tortuosus, MOUNTAIN JEWELFLOWER.
openspacer: Arenaria kingii var. glabrescens, KING'S SANDWORT
openspacer: Pinus jeffreyi, JEFFREY PINE.
openspacer: Eriogonum nudum, NUDE BUCKWHEAT
openspacer: Aster breweri, GOLDENASTER
openspacer: Chaenactis alpigena, SOUTHERN SIERRA PINCUSHION
openspacer: Group pauses on the hike back.
openspacer: Mt. Watkins trail must have originally been a ski trail
openspacer: Kirk and Powell, heading back
openspacer: View northeast from Mt. Watkins trail towards Tenaya and Cathedral Peaks