opanades: alive, to be a horse and gallop\
opanades: Petit pédé/
opanades: ser pilar todo el rato, Iban light&love\
opanades: te pienso\ ♥ Dad
opanades: Imagine and fly\
opanades: light man
opanades: Fly into the light.\
opanades: I should have said something.
opanades: Never The End
opanades: I'll fly, all the time.
opanades: Take it light
opanades: Del roce que te sienta tan bien que te duele por todas las veces que no lo has sentido.
opanades: (*) Point of light
opanades: Visible emotions
opanades: Fragile and brave heart, take it in.
opanades: Cuando empecé a vivir una vida sin padre
opanades: En todo y en cualquier tiempo.
opanades: I still dream about you
opanades: Sentir y no poder tocar.
opanades: wild time, last light of summer
opanades: Soñar con luz y olor a flor fresca.
opanades: ♥ Sunday afternoon lights
opanades: Emotional healing, suspended/
opanades: open endings
opanades: I think to you
opanades: It's time to smile on the island.
opanades: Island time with Sergio Contreras Pixón
opanades: Get over it.
opanades: On the wild side