onestitchshort: And a good time was had by all! The ending was awesome and they made it through all nine innings!
onestitchshort: C2's first MLB game! So happy @hulahoopes could come with us :)
onestitchshort: Go Astros! #houstonastros
onestitchshort: Take me out to the ballgame! Had to get a shot of the boys with Biggio! :) #p66biggio
onestitchshort: At the farmers market, there was this cool art truck. They taught C1 about Artist Trading Cards and he made one while C2 watched a train go by.
onestitchshort: We had a great morning at the farmers market at the old Imperial Sugar plant. Live music, fresh vegetables, cookies and muffins made us all happy.
onestitchshort: The perfect ending to a great day: eating ice cream while watching the sunset.
onestitchshort: These little animals had fun at the zoo tonight!
onestitchshort: Zoo carousel, he's come a long way from when he only wanted to ride the bench!
onestitchshort: I had company for swim lessons today. He has run down this sidewalk at least 15 times!
onestitchshort: Today's swim lessons treat is a caramel macaron but I sat away from the ducks' domain so I could eat it in peace ;)
onestitchshort: Brought my knitting to swim lessons today!
onestitchshort: Bringing chips to the park was a bad idea. The ducks are all over me!
onestitchshort: It will be 100 degrees today and C2 wants to wear gloves. #HiGrandma
onestitchshort: After a crazy day full of life's curveballs, busting out the wheel and listening to the rain hit the windows as I spin was just what I needed.
onestitchshort: After weeks without rain, this crazy storm blows in.
onestitchshort: Tagged by @udontcallmeles for #widn. I'm sitting under a shade tree by the pool where the kid is doing swim lessons looking through a book I just got on Amazon. Minus it being 102 out right now, it is a lovely way to spend time. :) Tagging @madamknitsalot
onestitchshort: Snack time!
onestitchshort: The first half of summer was all about moving, but moving has made this possible. Worth it!
onestitchshort: Until next time, Yogi! We had a super fun weekend with friends, but home will be nice, too.
onestitchshort: Chilling with Yogi Bear. #HiGrandma
onestitchshort: Chillin' with Yogi Bear!
onestitchshort: Mom, this is a big truck! (It is a piece of bark so I thought he was saying trunk, but then he started rolling it). #HiGrandma
onestitchshort: So far the only fits we have re: the Weehoo is when it is time to get off (straps and helmet already removed as I was trying to coax him out of it).
onestitchshort: Family bike rides just got a whole lot more fun! Thanks for the info on the Weehoo, @frenchpressknits! #Weehoo #familybikeride
onestitchshort: Took the boys to pick out a bike for Cameron today, Carson (dressed as Superman) had fun riding around the store. #HiGrandma
onestitchshort: Getting my bullet journal back in order, inspired by @amyboogie's blog & pins. There's something so great about the blank slate of a new month.
onestitchshort: Big fun with friends over today!
onestitchshort: Few things better than finding your kiddos snuggled under a quilt made by friends on a Saturday morning. #twitterbee
onestitchshort: Banana nutella muffin, not very pretty but I can't wait to eat it!