j.enica: sterling2
j.enica: sterling3
j.enica: sterling4
j.enica: old man with a YOUNG heart
j.enica: shadows and shoes
j.enica: hi. i've missed you.
j.enica: oil painting
j.enica: tea and brushes
j.enica: squish
j.enica: them.
j.enica: and our father's letter sweater carries on. ;-D
j.enica: children of the water
j.enica: big leaf
j.enica: ingrid
j.enica: zhonni
j.enica: magic face
j.enica: selfie from our anniversary hike
j.enica: hottie husband, 11 awesome years.
j.enica: excited for my anniversary trip :-D
j.enica: shoes and shadows
j.enica: john reflects
j.enica: hotal monaco
j.enica: midnight stroll
j.enica: midnight stroll
j.enica: view
j.enica: eleven years celebrated
j.enica: henna and blossoms
j.enica: earth day tilling
j.enica: earth day tilling