onehowl: Cradle top completed
onehowl: Test fit
onehowl: Grinding off for access to jacks
onehowl: Trimming off the excess that was sticking out of the back
onehowl: Cut of excess leaving a lip that does not protrude above laptop
onehowl: Check the angle of bend
onehowl: Bend it with a torch, I am using MAPP gas. It's way overkill, but what I had on hand.
onehowl: Cradle top. Start with an old UV cover for a PC that you never used.
onehowl: Permanant Mount To Go Under Seat Bracket
onehowl: Permanant Mount To Go Under Seat Bracket
onehowl: Articulating Arm (shown vertical here)
onehowl: Articulating Arm (shown vertical here)
onehowl: Articulating Arm (shown vertical here)
onehowl: Jotto Desk "Tactical" position
onehowl: Jotto Desk
onehowl: best tattoo
onehowl: only in thailand
onehowl: Democratic Seal
onehowl: daddy drinks 1
onehowl: clinton sex offender
onehowl: cat and dogs
onehowl: cactus erectus
onehowl: baby_toke
onehowl: anti-american signs
onehowl: Let's make a batch of beer, shall we?
onehowl: Waiting for Belgian Rock Candy to melt
onehowl: Adding the Dry Malt Extract (D.M.E.)
onehowl: Slip in a bag of Barley
onehowl: Let Simmer
onehowl: Drink More Beer